Journal of International Relations of KNU <img src="/public/site/images/admin/Вісник_КНУ1.jpg" alt="" /> en-US (Хмара М.П.) (Хмара М.П.) Mon, 15 Mar 2021 21:39:06 +0000 OJS 60 TUNISIA AFTER THE EVENTS OF THE ARAB SPRING: THE CAUSES OF INSTABILITY <p><br />It is notable fact that Tunisia is the only country of North Africa and the Middle East where the Arab Spring of 2011 known as Jasmine Revolution<br />was victorious. As a result, President Zine al-Abidine ben Ali resigned after two decades in power and left the country. In the wake of his resignation<br />new political elite implemented own democratic experiment that became politically successful, but caused many questions concerning the<br />quality of economic reforms. The article deals with the most important reasons behind the instability of Tunisia after the victory of the people's<br />uprising. The author defines essential fields of economic activity where reforms are badly needed and also formulates recommendations intended<br />to liberalize economy, keep in check corruption, and investments in interior regions.<br />Keywords: Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, terrorism, tourism, pipelines.</p> P. Ignatiev Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 CHINA'S APPROACHES TO THE UN'S ROLE IN CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST DURING THE COLD WAR <p><br /><br />The article examines the development of China's position on UN involvement in conflict resolution in the Middle East. In particular, it investigates<br />the impact of the transformation of foreign policy concepts on the approaches of official Beijing toward UN peacekeeping activities in the<br />Middle East during the Cold War. In the 1950s and 1970s, Mao Zedong's view of the UN as a political tool for the superpowers to pursue their interests<br />in the world was largely grounded on ideology. That said, the article argues that the position of China between 1950 and 1970 reflected certain<br />dualism, namely a negative perception of the UN with a clear desire to become a member of this international organization. Eventually, the changes<br />in China's foreign policy goals from revolutionary to more realistic ones designed to facilitate reforms in the country led to a radical shift in<br />Beijing's position on UN peacekeeping in the Middle East. The study interrogates key elements of China's position on the Middle East conflict in the<br />1970s and 1980s in the Security Council after China gained UN membership in 1971.<br />Keywords: China, UN, Middle East, conflicts, conflict resolution.</p> Yu. Skorokhod Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 FROM THE "THIRD WORLD" TO EUROPE: PARTICULAR CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTEMPORARY MIGRATION FROM AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST <p><br /><br />The article unfolds basic theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary migration to Europe since the early XXth century till<br />today (case study – Africa and Middle East). An analysis of historic and current migration driving forces for Africans entering Europe<br />is given by counties of origin and host countries respectively. The sociological and geographical image of contemporary African<br />migrant to Europe is being shaped. The routes used by African and Middle Eastern migrants moving towards the EU, as well as the<br />correlation between the counties of origin and host countries' historical background, are being outlined. Basic hub countries on the<br />way from Africa and Middle East are being investigated. A number of expats' local initiatives aimed at providing migrants' interests<br />and rights by countries of origin are being presented. Thus, the activities of both humanitarian initiatives of the expats, exiled political<br />parties operating in the host countries and local political forces of the diasporas are being emphasized.<br />Keywords: migration, the EU, Africa, Middle East, expat communities, sociology.</p> I. Mingazutdinov, G. Mingazutdinova Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE EU'S BLACK SEA POLICY PRIORITIES FOR THE UPCOMING DECADE <p><br /><br /><br />The European Union's interest in the Black Sea region, which has never been at the forefront of the EU's foreign policy agenda,<br />is dynamic demonstrated by the policy of a new, more powerful Union after Lisbon. Despite the urgency of the Black Sea's hard security<br />issues stipulated by militarization of the region by Russia, the European Union is focusing on connectivity, sustainable development,<br />the blue economy and energy. It is this agenda that will determine the EU's policy in the region for the next decade. Understanding<br />these priorities is important for shaping Ukraine's foreign policy, security, energy and environmental agendas.<br />Keywords: European Union, Black Sea region, Russia, agenda for Ukraine.</p> O. Khylko Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 EVOLUTION OF SINGAPORE'S NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY <p><br />The article describes the evolution of Singapore's National Security Strategy according to specific threats at different stages of the country's<br />development. Based on the analysis of the National Security Strategy, adopted in 2004, the author examines the specific measures taken by the<br />Government to overcome the security challenges and ways to establish the inter-agency coordination of authorities, businesses and civil society.<br />Given the innovation and openness of the economy of the Republic of Singapore, particular attention is paid to the Cybersecurity Strategy, as well<br />as to the cooperation with other countries working together to overcome security challenge.<br />Keywords: Republic of Singapore, national security, transnational terrorism, inter-agency coordination, cybersecurity, social harmony.</p> B. Cherkas, R. Tezbir Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 CHINESE-UKRAINIAN INTERSTATE RELATIONS: PRECONDITIONS, INFLUENCE OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS <p><br /><br />The article considers the preconditions for the formation of Chinese-Ukrainian interstate relations, analyzes the development of cooperation between<br />Ukraine and China during the term of six presidents of Ukraine, and conditionally identifies eight stages in the evolution of relations. A study<br />of domestic and foreign policy factors that determined the course of Ukraine's foreign policy towards China since the beginning of the first political<br />contacts between the states was conducted. The main documents governing political relations between Ukraine and China were identified.<br />Keywords: Ukraine, China, Ukrainian-Chinese relations, foreign policy, internal and external factors, political relations, legal framework.</p> I. Zinevych Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 LOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF ECONOMIC RISKS <p> <br />The article examines the economic nature of risks due to the interaction of local (internal and external) and global factors that<br />influence the course of economic events. Logical dimensions of economic risks are considered mainly in the context of<br />probabilistic approaches formulated by K. Popper and J.M. Keynes. Applied aspects are analysed on the basis of the Bayes<br />conditional probability theorem and decision theory, which considers the maximisation of the expected value, the maximisation<br />of the expected monetary value and the maximisation of the expected utility.<br />Keywords: risk, uncertainty, probability, logical probability, logical proximity, risk analysis.</p> A. Filipenko Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 INNOVATIVE NATURE OF THE WORLD AND DOMESTIC MARKET OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS <p><br />The place and role of agro – innovations are investigated. They are found to be the main driving force both of development of<br />the agricultural products' domestic market and of competitive advantages' formation for the participants in the world market.<br />Accelerated introduction of new generation digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex is determined by the effective use<br />of organizational advantages of the Ukrainian model of agricultural development. Organic production is the latest trend in the<br />world market of agricultural products. However, the advanced technologies actively used by farmers around the world are vertical<br />farms, aquaponics, unmanned aerial vehicles, advances in robotics, and more. Such an active demand for technological innovations<br />and their active use in agriculture contributes to the development of the agrі-industry itself, as well as areas that ensure<br />the development and production of innovative products. State assistance and support of farmers' interest in technological<br />innovations, which is implemented in various monetary and budgetary policy measures, remains an urgent issue.<br />Keywords: innovations, technologies, agro-industrial complex, competitive advantages.</p> O. Pryiatelchuk, O. Stupnytskyy Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT <p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The article analyzes the preconditions for the emergence of artificial intelligence, considers the world practices of its implementation in society.<br />Examples of strategies for successful use of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational environment of the Middle East, USA, China,<br />India, Japan, Germany, Canada are given. The necessity of creation of uniform standards of development of algorithms of artificial intelligence is<br />substantiated.<br />Keywords: artificial intelligence, educational environment, robotics, digitalization, neural networks, machine learning.</p> D. Kusherets, M. Khmara Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 LEGAL REGIME OF PROPERTY OF STATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEM OF DETERMINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION <p><br />Problematic issues of determining the legal regime of property of state joint-stock companies, including those created in the<br />process of corporatization of state-owned enterprises, are considered in this article. The specific features of the legal regime of<br />property of this category of companies are analyzed, taking into account the specifics of their legal status and the participation of<br />the state in the process of foundation and management of such companies. The author made the analytical generalization of the<br />existing doctrinal approaches to determination of the legal regime of such property, legislative regulation in this area, nonuniform<br />and inconsistent case law on the legal regime of property of state joint-stock companies. It is suggested to consider the<br />property of such companies as exclusively state property, and the state joint-stock company is vested with only limited powers<br />related to the use of such property within the framework of its statutory activities. Changing the legal regime of such property<br />and its transfer to private ownership is possible due to the privatization procedures, and not as a result of transfer of such property<br />by the state to the charter capital of a state joint stock company or corporatization of a state enterprise.<br />Keywords: state joint-stock company, property, state ownership, corporatization, privatization, powers of the owner.</p> O. Vygovskyy Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 REGULATION OF THE FUNCTIONING OF OFFSHORE JURISDICTIONS <p><br />There are a large number of countries and territories in the world that provide tax benefits up to full tax exemption to companies registered<br />there that are used in international business. Such countries and territories are commonly referred to as offshore zones or international offshore<br />centers. Due to the development of international economic cooperation and liberalization of foreign economic relations, taxpayers of almost all<br />countries of the world have the opportunity to use offshore.<br />Keywords: offshore zones, financial centers, offshore companies, offshore centers, offshore bank.</p> V. Buck, O. Slyusarenko Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE FORMATION OF THE CONCEPT OF CIRCUMVENTION OF THE LAW IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW IN DOMESTIC PROCEEDINGS <p><br />The modern judicial system of national justice of different countries has its own peculiarities in approaches to addressing the issue of<br />circumvention in private international law, depending on the jurisdiction and historical development of the concept of circumvention in private<br />international law. Given that the codifications of circumvention provisions in private international law have been included relatively recently, the<br />historical description of the solution (formation of the concept) of circumvention in court decisions and the consideration of modern codifications<br />are combined. Judicial decisions define the circumvention of the law as a circumvention of domestic substantive law or as a circumvention of<br />foreign law; here also arises the question of the regulatory part of the court decision: the invalidity of the act committed at noon of the law, or the<br />invalidity of its consequences. The absence or presence of a provision on circumvention of the law in the legislation does not remove the relevance<br />of the problem of circumvention of the law, which arises before a judge in resolving court disputes; the issue is further deepened in those legal<br />systems where there is no provision to circumvent the law. The formation of the concept of circumvention of the law in the internal justice of<br />different countries on the examples of illustrative court decisions and the corresponding conclusions, which, in fact, take place in modern judicial<br />practice. The approaches of legislators of different countries to the solution of circumvention of the law in private international law are highlighted.<br />Keywords: circumvention of the law, the concept of circumvention in private international law, the history of the formation of the concept of<br />circumvention, the history of private international law, private international law, case law, codifications in private international law, provisions on<br />circumvention, legislation on circumvention, modern codifications , the law on private international law.</p> V. Baldinyuk Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Genesis and development priorities of international economic relations Review of the edition by A. S. Filipenko. International economic relations. History. Theory. Politics : Textbook. – K. : Lybid, 2019. – 960 p A. Rumyantsev, O. Stepanov Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 How to defeat Putin's Russia <p><br /> Review of a popular scientific edition:<br />N. Doroshko. Undeclared wars of Russia against Ukraine in the XX – early XXI century: causes and consequences. –<br />К. : Nika-Center, 2020. – 192 p</p> E. Bevzyuk Copyright (c) 2021 Journal of International Relations of KNU Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000